About Me (Us)

I think the easiest way to start this out is by saying who we aren't.

We aren't modern nomads who were able to cash in our savings, sell our belongings, quit our jobs and globe trot around the world with our laptops. Yes, I had to unclench my fist before I typed that.

We aren't luxury seeking, 5 course eating (OK IT WAS ONCE IN FRANCE), cosmopolitan travelers that sit in cities for days on end, soaking up culture.

We're just normal people with full time jobs who really want to take advantage of our time off, and we do that by taking one (sometimes two) really fantastic vacations every year. We prefer places where you can hike and experience the outdoors, immerse yourself in amazing landscapes and get to know the people and the culture.

This blog is mostly written by me (Jessica) but most of the pictures are taken by Jorge. Except for the reallllllllly good ones. I took those.


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